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With the recent helicopter crash here in Newfoundland killing 17 people I am even more compelled to my mission of helping people LiveMore. There seems to be so many tragedies these days where young people are taken away from us long before their time is due. Unfortunately most of them had no control of the situation that took their lives. I am sure it is a terrible loss to their family and friends and a time for morning. I also hope it is a time of reflection and celebration for an incredible life lived.

For years I have often thought about the question; if I was to die tomorrow do I feel like I have made the most of my time while I was around? I think this question started to creep into my head as a high school kid doing triathlons with 40 and 50 year olds that would constantly say “I wish I had done this or that at your age.” From that time on I have always felt like I need to make the most of my time because I never want to reflect on what could have been…. I would much rather look to the future with excitement of what will be.

I am currently working on a speech that includes a section on legacy. Until recently I used to think the legacy was on something you didn’t have to worry about until you got old. One question I ask is if you died tomorrow what kind of legacy would you leave? It really is something to ponder as we go about our day to day lives and make plans for the future.

Alfred Nobel, faced this question a few years before he died and was fortunate to alter his legacy a year before he died by donating is fortune to the Nobel Prize. The majority of his life he was on the road to leaving a far different legacy. Check out some of his story here.

Till next time, LiveMore.

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