Collective Team Building & Debriefing
When they are properly executed, teambuilding activities are pivotal in building a high-performing team. The Adventure Wave model of experiential learning will be incorporated into both interactive teambuilding activities and subsequent debriefing techniques. Effective teambuilding activities teach essential elements for team development including goal setting, communication, trust, and decision-making in a fun and supportive atmosphere. In this session we will work through the five stages of teambuilding activity—Ice Breakers, De-inhibiters, Trust and Empathy, Communication, and Decision Making / Problem Solving—that generate the tools that successfully facilitate fun, metaphor-based, interactive teambuilding activities.
- How to effectively facilitate interactive teambuilding activities
- Use strategic metaphor-based learning to debrief teambuilding activities
- The application of principles learned through debriefing techniques to individual relevant work and life situations
Leadership Communication
Handling conflicts appropriately in the workplace is a challenging but necessary reality for a leader. How a leader deals with conflict either serves to better a team or contributes to its demise. This session targets some of the most challenging aspects of communication that leaders face. Shawn engages participants in a series of interactive initiatives, which are designed to teach essential communication tools so that their teams can reach their full potential.
Key takeaways:
Learn vital skills for building trust, delivering (and receiving) effective feedback, resolving conflict, coaching, and motivating a team.