Being an outdoor education instructor is more of a lifestyle than a job. I was paid to travel the world for almost 15 years, leading glacier mountaineering, backpacking, sea kayaking, and white-water canoeing courses in far-flung locations around the globe. I was, as some might say, living the dream. I loved the job so much that, even though my yearly tax return said I was scrap- ing by just above the poverty line, I felt rich. To make this life possible, I lived out of my little red Mazda truck. Everything I owned fit in the back, and there was room left for me to sleep. In nine years I didn’t live in one place for more than three months. Three times I drove to Alaska, twice from Mexico. Now that’s a commute!
This is the open paragraph to my new book TEAMS ON THE EDGE: Stories and Lessons from Wilderness Expeditions